29: Building a retail business with Hana Glover

29: Building a retail business with Hana Glover

In episode 29, I chat with Hana Glover all about building a retail business the age of 18. Hana is the owner of the Bead Shop in Nottingham, where she also holds craft workshops. She’s also recently launched a new side to her business, in retail business mentoring. I can’t think of anyone else better qualified to help you with a retail business than Hana. The Bead Shop has recently celebrated the shop’s 19th birthday so she certainly has some experience to share!

23: Introverts and Mindset with Adam Dunleavy

23: Introverts and Mindset with Adam Dunleavy

This week I chat to my husband Adam - we call a conversation we once had whilst driving, all about being an extroverted introvert, how that affects us in our work and personal life. We also discuss a book called Mindset by Dr Carol Dweck and the difference between the fixed and growth mindset. I highly recommend reading this book if you'd like to dive deeper into changing the way you think.