71: Running two businesses and radical prioritisation

Running two businesses and radical prioritisation

In Episode 71, I chat about my experience of running two businesses and the need for prioritisation that comes with that.

Radical prioritisation is all about being really intentional with the tasks and projects we are working on. How can you use radical prioritisation in your business, particularly at a time when your energy levels may be depleted?

I share some practical ways of radically prioritising your to do list, and a more general view of how prioritisation can be helpful when running a business.

Here’s the article I mentioned on surge capacity.

If you're ready to work on your business, and need clarity on your ideas or direction, head on over here to find out how I can help you.

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In Episode 71, I chat about my experience of running two businesses and the need for prioritisation that comes with that. Radical prioritisation is all about being really intentional with the tasks and projects we are working on. How can you use radical prioritisation in your business, particularly at a time when your energy levels may be depleted? I share some practical ways of radically prioritising your to do list, and a more general view of how prioritisation can be helpful when running a business. Here's the article I mentioned on surge capacity: https://elemental.medium.com/your-surge-capacity-is-depleted-it-s-why-you-feel-awful-de285d542f4c For full show notes, head over to www.annadunleavy.com/podcast If you're ready to work on your business, and need clarity on your ideas or direction, head on over here to find out how I can help you: https://www.annadunleavy.com/work-with-me